ChatGPT 🤖 幫我產生一份英文教材
在探索 AI 應用的過程中,前段時間我發現了一個值得優化的日常工作流程。
我爸每天會使用 ChatGPT 為我兩個就讀建中的弟弟製作英文教材。他每天都會發一篇在我們家的 Messenger 群組裡,他已經做了一整個系列。
深入了解後,我發現我爸每天會花費約 50 分鐘製作這些教材,大部分時間用於與 ChatGPT 互動,以產生所需的文章內容並確保格式一致。
50 分鐘!
這是一個相當可觀的時間,尤其是在他每天都重複進行的情況之下 😮
作為 AI 應用開發者,我認為這是一個很適合通過 AI workflow 來自動化的需求案例。因此,我開發了「英文教材產生助手 (English Textbook Generation Assistant)」 Coze bot ,目標是將我爸的需求轉成工作流,實現高度自動化。
在接下來的章節中,我會介紹這個 AI 助手的核心功能、Workflow 設計和技術選擇,以及實際應用效果。這個案例展示了日常任務的自動化,也為 AI 在教育領域的應用提供了一個範例。我希望能展示 AI 在提升日常工作效率方面的潛力,並激發更多人思考如何在自己的領域中應用 AI 技術。
英文教材產生助手 English textbook generation assistant
它能夠根據給定的單字和概念自動產生英文課文。這篇課文包含了目標單字,並能巧妙地融入指定的主題或概念。 課文設計以對話的形式呈現,確保內容生動有趣,易於理解和記憶。另一個主要功能是中文翻譯。 AI 助手會為產生的英文課文提供逐句對照的中文翻譯。這種對照形式有助於學習者理解英文句子的結構和意義。
這個工具的一大特點是其靈活性。使用者可以根據自己的需求自定義單字列表和要傳達的概念。 如果使用者沒有特定要求,AI 助手會自動從高中 7000 單隨機選取 20 個單字,並確保單字的難度分佈均衡。教師可以根據需求產生不同主題的課文,以滿足不同的教學需求。
除了課文,AI 助手還會產生單字解釋和例句,幫助學習者更好地理解每個單字的意思。
最終成品的形式也值得一提。除了文本形式的教材外,AI 助手還能產生 TTS (文字轉語音) 音檔。 這個音檔能夠幫助學習者提高聽力技能,文本和音檔的結合為學習者提供了全方位的學習體驗。
AI 英文教材產生助手通過自動化和個性化,提高了英語教材的製作效率。它節省了教育工作者的時間,也為學習者提供了高品質、多樣化的學習資源。在下一章中,我將深入探討這個 AI 助手的技術實現過程,讓大家了解它是如何運作的。
揭秘 AI 教材生成的六步曲
所有的 LLM 提示詞都已經公開在我的 GitHub,歡迎大家參考。
在開發 AI 英文教材產生助手時,我設計了一個六步驟的工作流程,以確保能自動化的產生高品質的教材。

首先,系統接收使用者的輸入。使用者可以提供特定的單字列表和文章主題。如果使用者沒有提供,系統會自動從高中 7000 單字庫中按照難易度平均選取 20 個單字,同時從數十個優良主題中隨機抽選一個。
值得一提的是我專門開了一個 Google Sheet 做為資料庫讓我爸維護這些優良主題,並以 Google Apps Script 寫了一個 GET api 讓 workflow 呼叫。Google Sheet 的優勢在於協作的簡易性,使得非技術人員也能輕鬆編輯。

在這一步驟中,我選擇使用 GPT-4o mini 模型。GPT-4o mini 在處理直觀的任務上表現出色,能夠快速產生正確的單字解釋和例句。

這是整個流程中最關鍵的步驟,我選擇了 Claude 3.5 Sonnet 模型。Claude 在文章產生跟脈絡理解方面表現優異,能夠根據給定的單字和主題創作出連貫、有趣的課文。它的創意寫作能力使得產生的內容更加生動有趣。
由於 LLM 的 JSON 回應並不太穩定,我做了三次 retry 機制以提升成功機率。

課文產生後,我再次使用 GPT-4o mini 模型進行翻譯。在每個不同的任務使用不同的 AI 模型,充分發揮各個模型的優勢,以獲得最佳的性價比。

最後,將前面產生的所有內容 (單字解釋、英文課文、中文翻譯) 整合到一個固定格式的文字檔中,讓每次產生的教材格式統一。
TTS 音檔

這是一個附加功能,我使用 TTS (文字轉語音) 技術將英文課文轉換為音檔。我利用了微軟免費提供的 Edge TTS 服務來達成這個任務。
在實作這個流程時遇到了一個小小的地雷,那就是微軟的 Edge TTS 服務有時會發生 Timeout。Coze 的文件明寫了 Plugin Timeout 時間是 3 分鐘,但我實際運行時發現在 60 秒就會 Timeout。而這個問題我透過拆分流程來解決。
- 將 TTS 部份獨立出來為另一個指令,這樣使用者可以單獨運行,而不怕在最後發生 Timeout 時會使整個流程失敗。執行 TTS 指令並不會耗用 Coze Credits,因此使用者可以放心的重覆嘗試。
- 再來將整個輸出拆成三段,降低每個音檔的長度以避免 Timeout,同時以平行處理的方式提高效率。
- 當它還是失敗的時候... 提供使用者一個外部連結,讓他們自行產生音檔 😅

以下是 AI 英文教材產生助手生成的一份教材:
以下是簡短的 AI 生成的英文教材,介紹 20 個高中 7000 單中的單字的用法
Sarah, the newly appointed director of the Civil Service Reform Commission, stood at the podium, her voice resonating through the dome-shaped auditorium. 'We aim for zero tolerance on corruption,' she declared, her tone tinged with controlled anger. 'It's time we demonstrate our commitment to a clean government.' The audience, a mix of seasoned bureaucrats and fresh recruits, listened intently. Sarah continued, 'Our productivity has spiraled downwards, and we must address this with significant changes.' She emphasized, 'The path to a transparent civil service isn't just about rules. It's about creating a system where gaining a position is challenging and fair, ensuring basic economic security for officials, and maintaining high standards of moral education for all citizens.'
After the speech, Sarah retreated to her office, its walls bare save for a single framed quotation: 'Integrity is the crown of public service.' She sighed, pouring over estimate reports. A knock at the door interrupted her concentration. 'Come in,' she called. Tom, her assistant, entered, carrying a stack of files. 'Ma'am, the foreign consultants have arrived. They're waiting in the conference room with their reservations about the new system.' Sarah nodded, 'I'll be right there. Let's hope they don't howl too loudly at our proposals.' As she stood, she noticed a small potted plant on her desk, a gift from the botany department, reminding her of the growth she hoped to nurture in the civil service.
In the conference room, tensions were high. Dr. Lena, a botany professor turned government efficiency expert, was gesticulating wildly. 'You can't just uproot the entire system!' she exclaimed. 'It's reckless!' Sarah remained calm, 'Dr. Lena, we deem these changes necessary. The old system is a mere skeleton of what it should be.' She paused, then added with a smile, 'Perhaps we need to approach this like you would tend to a delicate plant - with care, but also with the courage to prune where needed.' Sarah continued, 'We're implementing stricter qualification exams for civil servants. This will ensure that positions are earned through merit, not connections. Additionally, we're reviewing salary structures to provide economic security, reducing the temptation for corruption.'
As the meeting concluded, Sarah felt a headache brewing. She longed for a cold beer to take the edge off, but knew better than to indulge during work hours. Instead, she focused on the task ahead: to decorate the civil service with integrity and efficiency. It would be a challenging journey, but Sarah was determined to see it through. She glanced at the spiral staircase leading to the upper floors of the building, a metaphor for the upward trajectory she envisioned for the department. 'We'll get there,' she murmured to herself, 'step by step, reform by reform.' As she left the room, she made a mental note to coordinate with the Education Ministry on enhancing moral education in schools. 'After all,' she thought, 'a truly incorruptible civil service begins with the values we instill in our citizens from a young age.'
Sarah, the newly appointed director of the Civil Service Reform Commission, stood at the podium, her voice resonating through the dome-shaped auditorium.
'We aim for zero tolerance on corruption,' she declared, her tone tinged with controlled anger.
'It's time we demonstrate our commitment to a clean government.'
The audience, a mix of seasoned bureaucrats and fresh recruits, listened intently.
Sarah continued, 'Our productivity has spiraled downwards, and we must address this with significant changes.'
She emphasized, 'The path to a transparent civil service isn't just about rules.
It's about creating a system where gaining a position is challenging and fair, ensuring basic economic security for officials, and maintaining high standards of moral education for all citizens.'
After the speech, Sarah retreated to her office, its walls bare save for a single framed quotation: 'Integrity is the crown of public service.'
She sighed, pouring over estimate reports.
A knock at the door interrupted her concentration.
'Come in,' she called.
Tom, her assistant, entered, carrying a stack of files.
'Ma'am, the foreign consultants have arrived.
They're waiting in the conference room with their reservations about the new system.'
Sarah nodded, 'I'll be right there.
Let's hope they don't howl too loudly at our proposals.'
As she stood, she noticed a small potted plant on her desk, a gift from the botany department, reminding her of the growth she hoped to nurture in the civil service.
In the conference room, tensions were high.
Dr. Lena, a botany professor turned government efficiency expert, was gesticulating wildly.
'You can't just uproot the entire system!' she exclaimed.
'It's reckless!'
Sarah remained calm, 'Dr. Lena, we deem these changes necessary.
The old system is a mere skeleton of what it should be.'
She paused, then added with a smile, 'Perhaps we need to approach this like you would tend to a delicate plant - with care, but also with the courage to prune where needed.'
Sarah continued, 'We're implementing stricter qualification exams for civil servants.
This will ensure that positions are earned through merit, not connections.
Additionally, we're reviewing salary structures to provide economic security, reducing the temptation for corruption.'
As the meeting concluded, Sarah felt a headache brewing.
She longed for a cold beer to take the edge off, but knew better than to indulge during work hours.
Instead, she focused on the task ahead: to decorate the civil service with integrity and efficiency.
It would be a challenging journey, but Sarah was determined to see it through.
She glanced at the spiral staircase leading to the upper floors of the building, a metaphor for the upward trajectory she envisioned for the department.
'We'll get there,' she murmured to herself, 'step by step, reform by reform.'
As she left the room, she made a mental note to coordinate with the Education Ministry on enhancing moral education in schools.
'After all,' she thought, 'a truly incorruptible civil service begins with the values we instill in our citizens from a young age.'
A strong feeling of displeasure or rage.
His anger was evident when he received the unfair news.
Relating to or originating in a country or language other than one's own.
She enjoys learning about foreign cultures and traditions.
The numerical symbol representing no quantity or null value.
The temperature dropped to zero degrees Celsius last night.
An alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, typically flavored with hops.
He enjoys having a cold beer after work.
A person responsible for the overall management and operation of a film, play, or organization.
The director of the film won an award for his outstanding work.
To make something look more attractive by adding items or features.
They plan to decorate their home for the holidays.
A circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch as a symbol of authority.
The queen wore a beautiful crown during the ceremony.
Having meaning or importance, especially in a particular context.
The discovery of the new species was a significant contribution to science.
Without covering or clothing; exposed.
The tree stood bare after losing all its leaves in autumn.
To show or prove something clearly through evidence or examples.
The teacher used experiments to demonstrate the principles of science.
An approximate calculation or judgement of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
We need to estimate the costs before starting the project.
An arrangement made in advance to secure accommodations, a seat, or a service.
I made a reservation at the restaurant for dinner tonight.
The scientific study of plants, including their structure, properties, and biochemical processes.
She is studying botany to understand more about plant life.
To make a long, loud, mournful sound, often associated with wolves or the wind.
The wolves began to howl as the moon rose in the sky.
The framework of bones in a body; also refers to a model or representation of such a framework.
The scientist studied the skeleton to learn about human anatomy.
Showing a lack of care or concern for dangerous or risky situations; careless.
Driving at high speeds in the rain is a reckless behavior.
To regard or consider in a specified way.
She deemed it necessary to apologize for her mistake.
A rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure.
The church features a beautiful dome above the altar.
The state or quality of producing something, especially in large amounts.
Improving workplace productivity can lead to greater profits.
A curve that winds around a fixed center point while moving away from or toward it.
The staircase had a beautiful spiral design that was very elegant.
AI 助手的實戰成效
在實際應用中,AI 英文教材生成助手展現了令人滿意的效果。我爸使用這個工具後,教材製作的時間從原本的 50 分鐘大幅縮短。現在他能將更多的精力放在教材設計跟內容創作上,而不必花費大量時間與 ChatGPT 互動。
想想看,日常生活中還有哪些方面可以透過 AI 來自動化呢?關鍵在於識別那些重複性高、有規律性,且適合 AI 參與其中的任務,這些通常是以 AI 自動化的好選擇。
技術創新確實能顯著提升我們的生活品質。AI 英文教材生成助手只是眾多可能性中的一個例子。它展示了我如何利用 AI 工作流來解決實際問題,提高效率並創造價值。鼓勵大家以創新的視角看待周圍的事物,思考如何將 AI 技術應用到自己的生活中。
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