在 bash 中組合使用變數和萬用字元的正確語法
2 分鐘閱讀 •
我在 live-dl 專案中,想要清除 yt-dlp 在 --live-from-start
路徑和檔名被儲存在變數中,中段的 format 和碎片編號是未知的,得以萬用字元匹配,而最後以 part 結尾
bash 變數如下
FILENAME='20220412 【歌枠_sing a song】その場リクエストで歌う!鼻声回避なるか...!【Vtuber_久遠たま】 2022-04-14 12_01 (P8OaEF6XDCI)'
- In Unix, programs generally do not interpret wildcards themselves. The shell interprets unquoted wildcards, and replaces each wildcard argument with a list of matching file names. if $archivedir might contain spaces, then rm $archivedir/*.bz2 might not do what you
- You can disable this process by quoting the wildcard character, using double or single quotes, or a backslash before it. However, that's not what you want here - you do want the wildcard expanded to the list of files that it matches.
- Be careful about writing rm $archivedir/*.bz2 (without quotes). The word splitting (i.e., breaking the command line up into arguments) happens after $archivedir is substituted. So if $archivedir contains spaces, then you'll get extra arguments that you weren't intending. Say archivedir is /var/archives/monthly/April to June. Then you'll get the equivalent of writing rm /var/archives/monthly/April to June/*.bz2, which tries to delete the files "/var/archives/monthly/April", "to", and all files matching "June/*.bz2", which isn't what you want.